About Me
I’m Jeff Johnson, pen name Jeffer Nightwind, a 6’4″ nerd. I started programming computers at age 7. After forty years of that, I’m trying to master another language: English. Yikes.
I’m autistic and neurodiverse. My personality profile is INTJ-A (Architect) or INFJ-A (Advocate). I like coding, gaming, writing, walking, and sci-fi.
I love dark fantasy and complex issues like gender, race, religion, war, society, and existence itself. Ukraine’s symbols and fight for freedom weaves itself into the Bane War series.
Favorite games include Baludur’s gate 1, 2 and 3. I’m still early in 3 so please no spoilers. I played Ultima growing up and loved it. The Mass Effect series is also top notch. I’m hoping Disney will make that Knights of the Old Republic game into a series someday, or maybe a movie.

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